Hands-On Locksmith Class February 1-4, 2016 – Monday to Thursday (9am-4pm) in Surrey British Columbia. Go to Mr. Locksmith for further info.

Other dates

March 7-10, 2016 – Monday to Thursday (9am-4pm) in Surrey British Columbia

May 16-19, 2016 – Monday to Thursday (9am-4pm) in Surrey British Columbia

September 5-8, 2016 – Monday to Thursday (9am-4pm) in Surrey British Columbia

Note: Other Cities TBA

Real hands-on locksmithing class  designed to teach engineering or maintenance employees for small or large facilities (School, Hospital, Corrections, Policing, etc.) and is a good start for beginners to help you become a locksmith or start your own locksmith business.

In this training you will:

  • Cut over a hundred keys on key duplication machines as well as computerized machines
  • Rekey locks
  • Shim
  • Trouble shoot
  • Pick locks (Learn my Special Method to pick locks)
  • Take apart (and put back together) locks (deadbolts and key in knobs).
  • Lock-outs, broken keys and picking locks.
  • Design a mini Master key system and master key their locks.

The Mr. Locksmith Locksmithing Course includes all supplies, lock picks, tools and material needed to take the course with.

Sign up now!  http://mrlocksmith.com/4-days-hands-on-locksmith-class/

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Mr. Locksmith Lock Installation Tools

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