Crime up over 500+ percent Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak in Downtown Eastside Matter of Time!
How to Make Keys to Cars, Automotive ONLINE COURSE
Recently, the Vancouver Police Department has reported Break-ins quadruple in Vancouver as stores shut for Pandemic. This is called the Downtown Eastside (DTES). It’s been a disaster for almost a hundred years. And I have been looking at this, probably for 35+ years, and even studied the area when I was in University, as a criminologist. The DTES has been a disaster. You could just see. This is actually way fewer people than is normally out here, it’s probably half or less. We’re in the middle of coronavirus. There’s no social distancing going on here. This is a couple of blocks on East Hastings. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is a port city.
Drug addiction has been a problem forever. This is really, really bad. And this is one of the problems. History for the area was opium back in the days and progressed into a huge heroin problem. Intravenous drug issue that goes back, oh geez, probably goes back to the ’50s, maybe even the ’40s. And then we’ve had the crack cocaine. Right now, we have a huge crystal meth problem. Another whole problem we have with the fentanyl. And it’s all coming from China. The fentanyl overdoses are responsible for more deaths than we have ever had. People are overdosing on fentanyl. Many of the addicts don’t know or don’t care that their drugs are laced with fentanyl. A lot like the fentanyl because it puts a better kick, and it’s cheaper than heroin.
COVID-19 Outbreak in Downtown Eastside / Coronavirus… It’s here right now; we’re already getting cases. But do you see how everybody’s packed together and they’re going to hostels? And this is mismanagement at the city level, the Police level, Government, both levels of the Government, the Provincial and the Federal. But what happens is, a long time ago, the police decided rather than have all these people all over town, we’ll chase you to this little area. This is where you hang out. Don’t hang out in the nice people’s houses, the neighborhoods. Stay away from there or we are going to harass you. But you come here and this is your area. They thought they were keeping a lid, and they called it, containment. We are going to contain the prostitution, the drug addicts all down here. COVID-19 Outbreak in Downtown Eastside is just a matter of time.

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Terry Whin-Yates is a 3rd Generation Locksmith with a BA (Hons) Criminology. He has 35 years of experience in the locksmith and security industry and is a locksmith trainer providing On-LIne and Hands-On locksmith training to people, businesses and Law Enforcement all across North America and Asia. Terry Whin-Yates‘ BC Security License is B4227.
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KEYWORDS: Mr. Locksmith™, Terry Whin-Yates, Mr. Locksmith, locksmith,
locksmith training, locksmith school, DTES Crime, Downtown Eastside, downtown eastside vancouver skid row, downtown eastside vancouver bc, covid-19 virus, Pandemic crime wave, Covid-19 crime wave, CoronaVirus Crime, CoronaVirus Crime wave, coronavirus crime video, coronavirus crime, Locksmith Vancouver, Vancouver Locksmith