Ask Mr. Locksmith: Can a credit card open a lock? – is one of the most frequent questions I get. Well, the answer is both Yes and No. If you have been locked out of the bedroom or bathroom, yes, a credit card might open it. But, if you are in one of those trickiest situations wherein the door that’s locked has a deadbolt, then the answer is No, a credit card can’t open it.
Ask Mr. Locksmith: Can a credit card open a lock?
Mr. Locksmith Langley (604) 330-9915
Mr. Locksmith Automotive Langley: (604) 259-7617

Ask Mr. Locksmith Langley
– Hi, I am Terry from Ask Mr. Locksmith. Okay, I got- The question is can a credit card open a lock? Yeah, we see it on the TVs and the movies. You know, if you have a bathroom lock or a bedroom lock the credit card may be able to open up the lock. Now a deadbolt, the credit card can’t open up the deadbolt ‘cuz the bolt doesn’t go back. And I have several videos where you can see the bolts and everything. But a credit card, yes, a credit card can open a lot of the simple locks, but not all locks.
I have a lot of videos on how to make a loid, so I take a milk jug or I take a washer, plastic washer jug and I cut it up to make a loid. So, answering your question, yeah you can use a credit card, but there’s better and easier things to use to slip the lock. Okay, if you have any questions just please leave ’em in the comments. So put in the comment if you want me to do a video on a certain subject or a question you have. Just ask the question and I’ll try to make a video for ask Mr. Locksmith.
Thank you very much. I hope you enjoyed watching this video. Subscribe to my channel. Also visit my website and you can see what online locksmith training I have for beginners, intermediate and advance as well as my covert methods of entry and my non-destructive methods of entry.
Pick open Lock Langley
Terry Whin-Yates is a 3rd Generation Locksmith with a BA (Hons) Criminology. He has 35 years of experience in the locksmith and security industry and is a locksmith trainer providing On-LIne and Hands-On locksmith training to people, businesses and Law Enforcement all across North America and Asia.
Locked Out Langley
The most common emergency locksmith call is the bedroom door being locked out by the kids, especially during night time. You heard it right. It isn’t someone in handcuffs, or some stranger trying to get into the house. Nothing fancy. As simple as maybe your kids slid behind the door and slammed the door shut with you not being aware about. Call Locked Out Langley if you need help.
We serve the following neighborhoods in Locksmith Langley British Columbia:
Automotive Locksmith Langley: Brookswood, Aldergrove, Campbell Valley, Murrayville, Otter District, Salmon River, Walnut Grove, Fort Langley, Glen Valley, City of Langley, Downtown Langley, Willoughby Heights, Langley City, etc.