Maximum Adjacent Cut Specification (or MACS) of a lock is the maximum variance of component sizes between two adjacent component: Mr. Locksmith Langley is a locally owned and
Category: Ask Mr. Locksmith

Ask Mr Locksmith: What position should Deadbolt be pointing?
Ask Mr Locksmith: What position should Deadbolt be pointing? Mr. Locksmith answers one of the most frequent questions he’s been asked about. Check out the

Ask Mr Locksmith: Rescuing Pets Locked in House
Ask Mr Locksmith: Rescuing Pets Locked in House. In order to rescue a pet that is locked in a house, the first thing you need

Ask Mr. Locksmith | The Best Residential Door Lock?
Ask Mr. Locksmith | The Best Residential Door Lock? A high-quality deadbolt plays a critical part of your home security, in order to get rid

Ask Mr Locksmith: Why do old Church doors have a big ring on the front door?
Ask Mr Locksmith: Why do old Church doors have a big ring on the front door? Mr. Locksmith answers one of the most frequent questions

Ask Mr. Locksmith: Can you copy do not duplicate keys?
Ask Mr. Locksmith: Can you copy “Do Not Duplicate” keys? is one of the most frequently asked questions of Mr. Locksmith. Some keys have the

Ask Mr Locksmith: I am locked out! What information do I need?
Ask Mr. Locksmith: I am locked out! What to need when locked out? Being locked out can give rise to a very serious problem especially

Ask Mr. Locksmith Will the Police Help When Rekeying a Lock?
Ask Mr. Locksmith: Will Police Help Rekeying a Lock? Wanna know what the rules is on that? Mr. Locksmith imparts some important tips that are